The Great Education Debate: Your Passion Or Your Money


When it comes to higher education there are generally two sides of the story. Which side you tend to find yourself often correlates with your experience. I know when I was younger all I wanted to do was go to a flashy school. Flashy when I was in high school was the local expensive private college that everyone raved about. Still do. Now that college and graduate school are behind me, I see the world through a different filter. I’m no longer enamored by a price tag or olympic-sized swimming pools. I’ve also been in the corporate world long enough to know that it just doesn’t matter. Go ahead and read that last sentence again, because it’s true. That brings us to the time-honored classic Great Debate – Your Passion Or Your Money.Continue Reading

All The Jobs And Mistakes – Before We Were Mr. and Mrs. Mad Money Monster


It is great to be on our way to financial freedom and to be doing all the right things. But let me tell you, it wasn’t always this way. Mr. MMM and I had separate lives (obviously) until we met a few years ago. We both have a past with plenty of mistakes littered along the way. It’s easy to read these personal finance blogs and think you’re the only one who hasn’t done it right or isn’t doing it right. But I am here to tell you, you are so wrong.Continue Reading

Priceless Financial Advice For The Graduate


I have the pleasure of enjoying a high school graduation for a member of our family this year. Instead of just giving the expected cash gift – which we also did – we crafted a financial game plan for our special graduate and offered free money coaching for the entirety of her adult life. It felt good. Please see below for a sample of this letter. And please feel free to insert your graduate’s name and pass it forward!Continue Reading

Hello. What Do You Do?


On my ride in to work this morning I was listening to the latest podcast by The Minimalists (Education) and it got me thinking how far I’ve come since graduating high school.  It also had me thinking how I’m still the same person and how little it all means.  Before realizing I had what it took to go to college, I was working 40 hours/week in an electrical components factory soldering parts together all day long.  I was dating one of the engineers I had met there and that was my introduction to dealing with people who had an education.  I would D.R.E.A.D. going to parties or family functions with him because I was embarrassed of my job and that I didn’t have a college degree.   What I would DREAD most of all was that all too familiar question…

Hello!  What do you do?Continue Reading