The Empress Has No Clothes: Year Two Of My Clothes-Buying Ban


I am happy to say that I have successfully completed a year of not buying any clothes. Okay okay, it won’t be a full year until the 18th, but who’s counting? Furthermore, I have absolutely NO intention of dropping a single dime on anything to adorn my body for the next two weeks…and beyond! To be honest, that doesn’t mean I did not get new clothes in the past year. I received 6 pairs of everyday running socks on my birthday (from my mom) and a pair of super plush slippers for Christmas. I’m choosing not to count the socks or slippers because they were gifts. Therefore, as stated in my initial post, I did NOT purchase a single thread for myself this past year. It was so easy that I have decided to go for a second year. After all, when you hit a certain age, clothes really are durable goods. Continue Reading

Give Up Clothes And Save Cash


I’m throwing down the gauntlet and officially declaring 2016 a clothes-free year.  Stop it, you know what I mean ;)  In my not-so-frugal past, I have frequently gone on what I like to call buying binges.  I would go for months without purchasing a thing.  And then, one weekend, I would fall off the wagon and drop hundreds on some new threads.  I have made a decision to officially banish any and all shopping sprees from my life.  Continue Reading