Selling Your House? Here Are Some Quick Frugal Tips To Get It Ready To List


Whether you’re getting ready to sell or rent your current house, we have some low-cost quick fixes that will make sure it shines when that first potential buyer or renter comes knocking.  Continue Reading

Why Aren’t More Gen-Xers On FIRE?


We grew up with MTV, the Rubik’s Cube, Reaganomics, and “Who shot J.R?” Our parents were Baby Boomers and they were no strangers to tough times. They lived through international and national turmoil, staggering gas lines, Vietnam, and more. They sacrificed, they saved their money, and they wanted to make the world a better place. Welcome, Generation X!Continue Reading

Our Frugal Approach To Pet Ownership


When Mr. MMM and I decided to get together it turned out to be a modern-day Brady bunch, except with pets. Okay, to be honest, I am the one who had 3 pets to his 1, but I’m not pointing fingers here. The bottom line is that, since marrying, we are now a 4-pet household. We didn’t exactly anticipate being outnumbered by our pets, but life does happen. Overall, we couldn’t be happier with our furry little family but they do come at a cost. Pets aren’t cheap, so I’d like to outline a few things we do to frugalize pet ownership. Continue Reading

Doing Your Own Taxes Isn’t As Scary As You Think


Before graduating to full adulthood, I was terrified to do my own taxes. I wouldn’t even consider the idea. In fact, I felt like there was no way I could understand the process and no way I could get it right. Essentially, I thought I would end up being audited and thrown in jail if I tried to do any such thing. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. You screwed up your taxes and we’re throwing away the key. False. This was my thought process throughout my entire 20s. Then I hit 30, split up with my fiance, and was starting my life over in an empty apartment with 4 lawn chairs. That’s a story for another time. You can actually listen to it here. The point is that when I re-booted my life, I had to start from scratch and I didn’t have extra money to go pay someone else to do my taxes for me, like I had done in the past without a second thought. I had 4 lawn chairs to my name for god’s sake. I had to figure everything out on my own for the first time in my life. I did. And it was totally fine.Continue Reading

Who’s Still Kicking @$$ And Taking Names in 2017?


We’re closing in on the beginning of another new month in 2017, so I thought I’d write a post to talk about those New Year’s Resolutions we all made. So, how are ya’ll doing? Continue Reading